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Rent OAC Skinbased Skis

Rent OAC Skinbased Skis

OAC SKINBASED SKI RENTALS Rent OAC skinbased skis at Outdoor Passion Finland for shorter or longer adventures. You just scroll down and fill in the online rental info and ‘CLICK’ you are ready. You will get pick-up place and other updated info on your...
Ski tour in Ruka evening with OAC skinbased skis

Ski tour in Ruka evening with OAC skinbased skis

OAC SKI TOUR IN RUKA EVENING OAC ski tour in Ruka late night, will take you on a journey, where you will experience the magical arctic nature by night. We will ski in forest, deep snow, over lakes and on top of a fell, where we can enjoy the sceneries. If the sky is...