‌+358 (0) 44 307 0050 info@outdoorpassion.fi


Q & Aby Outdoor Passion Finland Q&A Q&A is a place where you can find the most common questions and wonders made to us and our given answers. Questions are conserning Outdoor Passion Finland adventures and Ruka-Kuusamo destination and all our services. You can...


Vastuullisuus - Responsibilityby Outdoor Passion Finland OUR RESPONSIBILITIES In line with the 1993 Environment Declaration given by the town of Kuusamo, Outdoor Passion Finland also comply with the principles of sustainable development in everything we do. ...
Our Environmental Pledge

Our Environmental Pledge

LUPAUS - OUR PLEDGE - LÖFTETby Outdoor Passion Finland OUR ENVIRONMENTAL PLEDGE Outdoor Passion Finland want to give you this ENVIRONMENTAL PLEDGE. It is our way of showing our commitment in TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for good practices e.g. social, economic, ecological...